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2.67 million tourists visited Israel in 2022. When are you coming?

Israel is an incredibly popular destination for tourists, and it’s no surprise why! With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, it’s no wonder that 2.67 million tourists visited in 2022 alone! If you’re looking for a unique and memorable vacation, consider visiting Israel in 2023 with your family or church. It is sure […]

​Happy New Year, Happy Novy God, or Happy Sylvester!

In Israel, where I live, when people wish you a Happy New Year, they usually mean Rosh Hashana – the Jewish New Year which is considered to be one of the most important days of the Israeli calendar. Today, Jan 1st is a regular workday – I am spending it finishing my stocktaking that I should […]

How to survive the festive season when it isn’t turning out quite how you want it to?

I have probably left it a bit late to write this blog post, but better late than never. If you believe the popular Christmas song, right now you should be in the middle of “the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Full of “parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting and caroling out in the snow”. […]

Where not to buy HolyRoses Products, unless you are happy being ripped off.

Warning – where not to buy HolyRoses Products, unless you are happy being ripped off.  Please do not buy from any sites that are dropshipping HolyRoses products. You will end up paying many times more than the price you should be paying. I have come across various scam sites with a wide range of products […]

Where to buy HolyRoses products, especially if you need them fast

Where to buy HolyRoses products, especially if you need them fast? Some of you have been asking me the difference between my Amazon store and my webstores. So here is my answer. .Until a few years ago, I used to ship everything that I sold from Israel using the Israel Post Office. This was sometimes […]

Some Thoughts about Olive Trees – inspired by the Jewish New Year for Trees

Happy Tu B’Shvat, the Jewish birthday of the trees! Also known as the Jewish New Year for Trees or the Jewish Arbor Day, it is celebrated on the 15th day of the Jewish Month of Shvat and it is about the time that the almond trees start to flower in Israel. Almond Trees Blossoming in Israel – picture by Merav […]