After close to 20 years selling holyland products online, I feel that the time has come to start blogging. I’ll start by telling you how HolyRoses started close to 20 years ago.
I began selling on eBay and over the years have grown to selling on my own website as well as selling on Amazon in the USA, Canada and the UK. From the start my aim has been to sell to both private customer and to institutions, the best Holyland products at the fairest price possible, and I hope that I will be able to continue doing this for many years to come.
People often ask me what made me start in this business. It is certainly not what I expected to do growing up in Manchester, UK, although I guess that getting a degree in theology didn’t hurt. The truth is that I probably just fell into it. I started selling on eBay whilst on extended maternity leave, trying to earn some extra money to let me stay home with the children longer. Living close to Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee, it is something that just seemed obvious at the time.
Over the years my customer base grew and I now find myself supplying schools, churches, hospitals and hospices with crosses, rosaries and other holyland products that I get from my trusted suppliers.. It gives me enormous satisfaction that many of my initial customers are still purchasing from me and some I am now proud to call my friends. Each year, I add several more schools, hospitals, and hospices to my customer list and it is my aim to provide them all with excellent service, and attractive pricing.
Whether your order is large or small, I will treat you with the respect and courtesy you deserve. Some of my most popular products today are items I was asked to source for a customer, so please do ask me if you are looking for something from the HolyLand and I will try to find it for you. I offer fast, friendly, and personal service – satisfaction guaranteed.
This is a statue of St. Joseph, that was made for a school of the same name over a decade ago.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions of what you want to hear about, please contact me via the contact us page on the website or by email.
Thanks for reading this far and wishing you all a blessed 2022 and look forward to sharing more with you in the year to come.